Gabriel Majeri

About me

I am a researcher from Romania who is always eager to learn new things. I hope to apply the knowledge gained to solve socially and economically impactful problems.


Faculty of Physics,
University of Bucharest

Theoretical and Computational Physics PhD

My research involves developing and applying advanced computational methods for studying the dynamics of complex systems (primarily arising from physics).

PhD supervisor: Virgil Băran

Topics covered: quantum mechanics, applied dynamical systems, chaos theory, numerical analysis.

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Bucharest

Advanced Studies in Mathematics MSc

Pure mathematics curriculum consisting of courses such as algebraic geometry, Riemannian geometry, noncommutative algebra, functional analysis, number theory, dynamical systems.

Master's thesis: Mathematical foundations of machine learning, supervised by Iulian Cîmpean.

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Bucharest

Computer Science BSc

Excellent grades at software engineering courses such as object-oriented programming and algorithms and data structures, and mathematical courses such as algebra and real analysis.

Bachelor's thesis: Improving the efficiency of the performance profiling process, supervised by Paul Irofti.

„Mihai Viteazul” National College

High School

Graduated at the top of the intensive informatics class.


Software Analyst at the University of Bucharest

October 2023–January 2025

Working on the digital transformation of the higher education process. I am involved most aspects of the software development lifecycle, from business analysis, user interviews, software architecture design, software development, quality assurance, security, devops, training and tech support.

Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest

October 2023–January 2024

Held laboratories for the Signals Processing course.

Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest

February 2023–June 2023

Held seminars and laboratories for the Object-Oriented Programming and Advanced Algorithms courses.

Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest

October 2022–January 2023

Held laboratories for the Signals Processing course.

Software Analyst at the University of Bucharest

November 2021–October 2022

Analysed, designed and implemented software solutions for the benefit of the University.

  • Integrated the university's institutional account system with the eduGAIN interfederation service by configuring an instance of the Shibboleth IdP.
  • Maintained and expanded the in-house university admission app, adding support for a customizable candidate classification system together with a custom DSL for configuring admission grade computation.

Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest

February 2022–June 2022

Held seminaries and laboratories for the Advanced Algorithms course.

Assistant Software Analyst at the University of Bucharest

November 2020–October 2021

Analysed, designed and developed software solutions for the students and employees of the University.

Junior Researcher Intern at Bitdefender

July–August 2019

Worked on data analysis and machine learning projects related to malware detection.


Programming Languages


Used for 7+ years
  • Creator and maintainer of the uefi-rs library which makes it easy to write bare-metal kernels and hypervisors in Rust.
  • Comaintainer of the packed_simd library for high-performance numerical computing. Profiled and improved the performance of the library in existing benchmarks.


Used for 10+ years


Used for 7+ years


  • Functional: Haskell, Lisp (both Elisp and the dialect used at the ACSL contest)
  • Assembly: x86, ARM and MIPS
  • Web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • .NET: C#, Visual Basic (used for RPA)
  • JVM-based: Kotlin (for Android app development), Java
  • SQL: completed the Kaggle SQL Summer Camp 2019


  • Git: Experience with Git-based workflows, maintaining repositories, reviewing code and handling merge conflicts
  • Docker: created container images and deployed apps using Docker and docker-compose
  • Kubernetes: set up an on-prem K8s cluster using Microk8s and deployed apps to it
  • Linux: Bash scripting; virtual machines with libvirt and QEMU
  • LaTeX: editing school documents and research papers
  • Windows and Microsoft Office Suite: ECDL certificate


Code4Romania contributor

March 2020–2021

I used to be a regular contributor to Code for Romania's projects.

Fundraising Department Director at ASMI

October 2020–October 2021

I was the Department Director for Fundraising at ASMI, our faculty's student association. I let the team which maintained contacts and negotiated with external sponsors from the private sector.

Design & PR Department Director at ASMI

October 2019–October 2020

My role was to organize the activity and foster the growth of our department and its members.

Design & PR Volunteer at ASMI

May 2019–October 2019

I was a Design & PR volunteer at ASMI.

  • Created digital content using tools such as Photoshop.
  • Responsible for marketing the Smarthack 2019 hackathon.
  • Helped with improving the association's website.

Formal Languages & Automata Tutor

Spring Semester 2020

Held a class where I helped first year students prepare for their Formal Languages and Automata course.

Algebra Tutor

Winter Semester 2019–2020

Volunteered to hold a class where I helped first year students prepare for the Algebra exam. This helped me develop my communication and teaching skills.

Robot Programmer

December 2016–May 2018

Programmer in my high school's robotics team which participated in the First Tech Challenge national competition. The robot's code was written in Kotlin.

Our team was a finalist in each participating year. In our second year we won first place. I went together with the team to the global competition in Detroit.



Competitive Programming Contests

  • Google HashCode 2020 — our team was third place in the hub where we participated
  • Informatics Olympiadgood results at city level
  • C# Olympiadsecond place on Bucharest


Foreign Languages

  • Romanian is my native language.
  • I've been learning English since kindergarten and I have a Cambridge FCE attesting C1 language level.
  • I've been studying French on Duolingo for over two years, I'm around the B1 level.
  • I've studied German in high school (B2 level).
  • Everything else I've learned using Duolingo: Hungarian, Esperanto, Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian.


Music may not save your soul, but it will make your soul worth saving.

— Korla Pandit
  • I recently bought a beginner bass guitar kit from Ibanez and started playing some of that as well.
  • I play acoustic guitar. I learned everything from free online lessons (thanks Justin and Marty).
  • I can also play simple pieces on an electric piano.